Share Your Experiences

Do you have your own story to tell about your experience of pregnancy loss at any stage or stillbirth? If so, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch via the form below (or by email to Your submission will be published as a post on our blog.

Feel free to give as much or as little detail about your experience as you feel comfortable sharing. Anything from a few short sentences to 3-4 paragraphs would be very welcome.

Here are some suggestions that may be helpful:

  • When you lost your baby, what happened?
  • What happened afterwards? Did you have a burial or cremation, or something else? Did you hold a ceremony, and if so, what was it like? How did you come to these decisions? What choices were you given by hospital staff?
  • What sort of support were you given by others, for example medical professionals, family, friends?
  • Were there any occasions where you felt the support you received was particularly effective? Why?
  • What would you like to tell other people about your experience?
  • How did people communicate with you about what you were experiencing?
  • How did you feel about the whole experience?

Your submission will not form data for our project; instead, we would like this website (and in particular the blog) to be a resource and forum for people who have experienced pregnancy loss or stillbirth to come together and share their experiences. However, if at any point you would like us to remove your submission from the website, please contact us.

Please note that we are not qualified to give advice or support on your situation. Please refer to the Useful Resources page if you are seeking help.